Saturday, May 23, 2020

Conjugation of the Future Tense of Spanish

The future tense of Spanish is probably the easiest conjugation pattern of all to learn. Not only is its use much as in English, but its formation is irregular for far fewer verbs than with the other tenses and is the same for all three infinitive endings (-ar, -er and -ir). As you would expect, the future tense is typically used for verbs whose action will take place sometime in the future. Generally, it is the equivalent of the will verb form in English in sentences such as I will go or she will eat. Endings for Future Verbs With regular verbs, the future tense is formed by adding endings to the infinitive as shown in boldface in the list below. Although the verb hablar (to speak) is used as an example, the future is formed in the same way for all regular verbs: yo hablarà ©, I will speaktà º hablarà ¡s, you (informal second-person singular) will speakusted/à ©l/ella hablarà ¡, you (formal second-person singular)/he/she will speaknosotros/nosotras hablaremos, we will speakvosotros/vosotras hablarà ©is, you (informal second-person plural) will speakustedes/ellos/ellas hablarà ¡n, you (formal second-person plural)/they will speak If youre familiar with the conjugation of the verb haber, you may notice that these endings are the same as the present tense of haber (an auxiliary verb meaning to have), minus the initial h. Presumably, at some time in the distant past, a conjugated form of haber was placed after the infinitive to form the future tense. Verbs Irregular in the Future Since the ending is placed after the infinitive and includes the syllable that is stressed in the verb, you dont have to worry about the stem changes that are common in the conjugation of many irregular verbs. And since the future tense is a later development in the language, there overall are fewer irregular verbs in the future tense to be concerned with. Even some of the most highly irregular verbs (such as ser, estar and ir) are regular in the future tense. In general, most of the verbs that are irregular in the future tense modify and/or shorten the infinitive, but they all have the correct ending otherwise. Here are the most common examples: caber (to fit): cabrà ©, cabrà ¡s, cabrà ¡, cabremos, cabrà ©is, cabrà ¡ndecir (to say): dirà ©, dirà ¡s, dirà ¡, diremos, dirà ©is, dirà ¡nhaber (to have): habrà ©, habrà ¡s, habrà ¡, habremos,habrà ©is, habrà ¡nhacer (to make or do): harà ©, harà ¡s, harà ¡, haremos, harà ©is, harà ¡npoder (to be able): podrà ©, podrà ¡s, podrà ¡, podremos, podrà ©is, podrà ¡n  poner (to put): pondrà ©, pondrà ¡s, pondrà ¡, pondremos, podrà ©is, podrà ¡nquerer (to want): querrà ©, querrà ¡s, podrà ¡, podremos, podrà ©is, podrà ¡nsaber (to know): sabrà ©, sabrà ¡s, sabrà ¡, sabremos, sabrà ©is, sabrà ¡nsalir (to leave): saldrà ©, saldrà ¡s, saldrà ¡, saldremos, saldrà ©is, saldrà ¡ntener (to have): tendrà ©, tendrà ¡s, tendrà ¡, tendremos, tendrà ©is, tendrà ¡nvaler (to have value): valdrà ©, valdrà ¡s, valdrà ¡, valdremos, valdrà ©is, valdrà ¡nvenir (to come): vendrà ©, vendrà ¡s, vendrà ¡, vendremos, vendrà ©is, vendrà ¡n Sample Sentences Showing Use of Future Tense Siete de cada diez personas comprarà ¡n un regalo de San Valentà ­n. (Seven out of 10 people will buy a St. Valentines gift.) Creo que estaremos en una desventaja competitiva. (I think we will be at a competitive disadvantage.) Tendrà © muchas otras cosas para hacer. (I will have many other things to do.) Te dirà ¡ muchas mentiras, pero tà º no serà ¡s consciente de ellas hasta que pase un tiempo.  (She will tell you many lies, but you wont be aware of them until some time passes.) Unos aà ±os mà ¡s tarde, querrà © ir a verlas a otras ciudades.  (A few years later, I will want to go see other cities.) Habrà ¡ cinco meses mà ¡s para personalizar los coches. (There will be five months for personalizing the cars.) Haremos los arreglos necesarios. (We will make the necessary arrangements.)  ¡No podrà ¡n las voces de la oscuridad! (The voices of darkness will not overcome!) El municipio serà ¡ el beneficiario y en consecuencia darà ¡ las à ³rdenes de pago. (The municipality will be the beneficiary and as a result will give the payment orders. Donde vayan los iremos a buscar. (Where they go we will go looking for them.)  ¿Cà ³mo sabrà © cuando podrà © usar nuevamente mi cuenta? (How will I know when I will be able to use my account again?) Creo que si nos damos prisa llegaremos a tiempo. (I believe if we hurry we will arrive on time.) A fin de aà ±o deberà © 20,000 pesos para cancelar mi deuda. (At the end of end of the year I will owe 20,000 pesos in order to cancel my debt.) Este fin de semana tengo una boda, y llevarà © un vestido verde. (This weekend I have a wedding, and I will wear a green dress.) Me llamarà ¡s por mi nombre, reconocerà ¡s mis atributos y mà ©ritos. (You will call me by my name, and you will recognize my attributes and strengths.)

Monday, May 18, 2020

The phenomenon Doctor Who Free Essay Example, 2000 words

This particular study focuses on understanding the increasing active role of the prosumers in today’s digital world, taking into consideration the phenomenon of Doctor Who. Role of the Audience in Cultural and Creative Industries The media is significantly associated with the cultural and creative industries. In regard to this, it has been obtained that the meaning of any context presented through the media depends on the sole interpretations of the individuals watching it. Hence individuals tend to construct meanings as per their understanding and interpretation. While it is possible for the culture and creative industries to create a culture with their intentions of the use of the media, the viewers or the audiences have the right to interpret the media contents according to their understanding and wishes (Hinton and Hjorth, 79). With digital shows, the audiences are becoming more involved and engaged with the shows and hence they are considered to have become more active (Jones and Salter, 65-67). Over the years the market place seems to have become more complex than before. The proactive consumers are better described as prosumers. It also describes the relation between the consumer and the producer, which is significantly changing and developing over the recent years. We will write a custom essay sample on The phenomenon Doctor Who or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Their participation and role in the production of the products have increased that also make them professional consumers fitting them in the category of prosumers. Thus for the prosumers, producers have to assure higher quality of products, as they are more involved in giving their feedbacks and advocacies, thereby indulging the need for new ideas (Everard, 86-87). With the advent of new technologies, particularly reflected through the information technology, it has become easier and more comfortable for the consumers to communicate either with themselves or with the producers as well (Boundless). The twentieth century has seen rise in the studies on audiences in particular. Earlier the relation of the audience with the media was less direct than what can be observed in the present times. With higher interactions and greater modes of interpretation, it is also relevant that audiences can change the meaning of the media context that has been presented to them, depending on their own interpretation. This has increased the role of the individuals in the digital world or the media (Brooker and Jermyn, 5-16). It is over the recent years that television programs have significantly become popular among the ordinary people, which include reality shows, confessional programs, interviews, documentaries, and others.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Carbon Monoxide Detectors and How They Work

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, carbon monoxide poisoning is the leading cause of accidental poisoning deaths in America. Carbon monoxide detectors are available, but you need to understand how they work and what their limitations are in order to decide whether or not you need a detector and, if you purchase a detector, how to use it to get the best protection. What is Carbon Monoxide? Carbon monoxide is an odorless, tasteless, invisible gas. Each carbon monoxide molecule is composed of a single carbon atom bonded to a single oxygen atom. Carbon monoxide results from the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels, such as wood, kerosene, gasoline, charcoal, propane, natural gas, and oil. Where is Carbon Monoxide Found? Carbon monoxide is present in low levels in the air. In the home, it is formed from incomplete combustion from any flame-fueled (i.e., not electric) device, including ranges, ovens, clothes dryers, furnaces, fireplaces, grills, space heaters, vehicles, and water heaters. Furnaces and water heaters may be sources of carbon monoxide, but if they are vented properly the carbon monoxide will escape to the outside. Open flames, such as from ovens and ranges, are the most common source of carbon monoxide. Vehicles are the most common cause of carbon monoxide poisoning. How Do Carbon Monoxide Detectors Work? Carbon monoxide detectors trigger an alarm based on an accumulation of carbon monoxide over time. Detectors may be based on a chemical reaction causing a color change, an electrochemical reaction that produces current to trigger an alarm or a semiconductor sensor that changes its electrical resistance in the presence of CO. Most carbon monoxide detectors require a continuous power supply, so if the power cuts off then the alarm becomes ineffective. Models are available that offer back-up battery power. Carbon monoxide can harm you if you are exposed to high levels of carbon monoxide in a short period of time, or to lower levels of carbon monoxide over a long period of time, so there are different types of detectors depending on how the level of carbon monoxide is measured. Why is Carbon Monoxide Dangerous? When carbon monoxide is inhaled, it passes from the lungs into the hemoglobin molecules of red blood cells. Carbon monoxide binds to hemoglobin at the same site as and preferentially to oxygen, forming carboxyhemoglobin. Carboxyhemoglobin interferes with the oxygen transport and gas exchange abilities of red blood cells. The result is that the body becomes oxygen-starved, which can result in tissue damage and death. Low levels of carbon monoxide poisoning cause symptoms similar to those of the flu or a cold, including shortness of breath on mild exertion, mild headaches, and nausea. Higher levels of poisoning lead to dizziness, mental confusion, severe headaches, nausea, and fainting on mild exertion. Ultimately, carbon monoxide poisoning can result in unconsciousness, permanent brain damage, and death. Carbon monoxide detectors are set to sound an alarm before the exposure to carbon monoxide would present a hazard to a healthy adult. Babies, children, pregnant women, people with cir culatory or respiratory ailments, and the elderly are more sensitive to carbon monoxide than healthy adults. Where Should I Place a Carbon Monoxide Detector? Because carbon monoxide is slightly lighter than air and also because it may be found with warm, rising air, detectors should be placed on a wall about 5 feet above the floor. The detector may be placed on the ceiling. Do not place the detector right next to or over a fireplace or flame-producing appliance. Keep the detector out of the way of pets and children. Each floor needs a separate detector. If you are getting a single carbon monoxide detector, place it near the sleeping area and make certain the alarm is loud enough to wake you up. What Do I Do if the Alarm Sounds? Dont ignore the alarm! It is intended to go off before you are experiencing symptoms. Silence the alarm, get all members of the household to fresh air, and ask whether anyone is experiencing any of the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning. If anyone is experiencing symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, call 911. If no one has symptoms, ventilate the building, identify and remedy the source of the carbon monoxide before returning inside, and have appliances or chimneys checked by a professional as soon as possible. Additional Carbon Monoxide Concerns and Information Dont automatically assume that you need or dont need a carbon monoxide detector. Also, dont assume that you are safe from carbon monoxide poisoning just because you have a detector installed. Carbon monoxide detectors are intended to protect healthy adults, so take the ages and health of family members into account when assessing the effectiveness of a detector. Also, be aware that the average life span of many carbon monoxide detectors is about 2 years. The test feature on many detectors checks the functioning of the alarm and not the status of the detector. There are detectors that last longer, indicate when they need to be replaced, and have power supply backups -- you need to check to see whether a particular model has the features you require. When deciding whether or not to purchase a carbon monoxide detector, you need to consider not only the number and type of carbon monoxide sources but also the construction of the building. A newer building may have more airtight constructi on and may be better insulated, which make it easier for carbon monoxide to accumulate.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Does Sports Keep Kids Out of Trouble - 773 Words

I. INTRODUCTION A. A U.S. Department of Health and Human Services study found that students who did not participate in athletics were 57% more likely to have dropped out of high school by their senior year, 49% more likely to have used drugs, 37% more likely to have become teen parents, 35% more likely to have smoked cigarettes, and 27% more likely to have been arrested. B. I am convinced that playing sports is one the most effective ways of keeping teens out of trouble and help guide them to a better future. C. I started playing sports when I was 5 years old. It has taught me valuable lessons and helped me grow as a person. I know for certain that sports helps to keep teens occupied and less likely to get in†¦show more content†¦1. First piece of evidence that supports Argument #2 i. In the article â€Å" The Impact of Sports on Adolescent Development† published in Forum on Public Policy in 2013, D.C Jack conducted a study that found ii. The effects of sports on teenagers who have low-esteem indicated that such teens tend to learn important life lessons that enable them to form constructive friendships and improve their self-image. iii. From this we can see that participating in sports helps to build self- esteem which builds self-confidence. 2. Second piece of evidence that supports Argument #2 i. In the article â€Å"Do Sports Help Improve Leadership Skills?† published in Livestrong in 2013, T. Duggan stated that ii. By participating in sports, teens can learn to communicate effectively with their fellows especially when an instant decision is required. iii. Through sports, teens learn how to make a quick observation, process the information and make correct decisions quickly. Learning to make quick decisions builds quality leadership skil ls. Those opposing school sports argue that sports take up valuable time needed for studying and academics. 1. First piece of evidence that refutes the opposing argument. i. The article â€Å"The Smartest Kids in the World† written by Amanda Ripley states that ii. The importance of sports is getting in the way of a student’s education. iii. This article focuses on the amount of time spentShow MoreRelatedArgumentation Essay784 Words   |  4 PagesOctober 31, 2014 Teens on the right path with sports During this time, most teenagers are trying to figure who they are, who are the people they can depend on, and where they belong in this world. Without guidance from some sort of positive authority, teens can be led down the wrong path. Teens need structure and goals to keep their minds on the right track. Sports can be a great activity to help teens stay on the correct path. It teaches discipline and keeps their minds focused, it is a chance to meetRead Moreâ€Å"an Idle Mind Is the Devil’s Workshop†1736 Words   |  7 Pagesthat can lead to a deal of trouble. Parents are always looking to find ways to better their teen’s chances of avoiding these temptations. 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In situations such as if they can buy something or go somewhere it is an easy answer, but in situations such as playing sports, they have to consider the pros and consRead MoreDoes Participation Sports Keep Juveniles Out Of Trouble?896 Words   |  4 PagesDoes Participation in Sports Keep Juveniles Out of Trouble? Today’s youth is our society’s future, which is why it is important to keep them safe and out of harm’s way. Children and teens who get into trouble are more likely to continue doing so as they reach adulthood. It is important to give children an alternative extra-curricular activity than hanging out with their friends unsupervised with peer pressure all around them. Sports can be a great way to help these children improve their livesRead MoreSocialization In Sport1091 Words   |  5 PagesSport has a lot of positive avenue not only for socialization, but it can be also for maintaining impact the life of others around you, it is also healthy for you. Sport has impact a lot of people lives, and it help build their confidence and find out who they truly are as a person. â€Å"The explanation of Socialization is based on a social interaction model, that is organized around a combination or cultural, interactionist, and structural theories† (52). this text f rom the book explains the impactRead MoreDo High School Sports Stay?1200 Words   |  5 PagesDo High School Sports Stay? Could you imagine a world of not that many kids going to college? Not a lot of healthy and happy kids? Well we can’t. Without high school sports, not a lot of kids would be happy or healthy. Parents who care about their child, support sports, or cares about our next generation then help save sports! Today’s generation of teens are getting more and more lazy as technology increases. 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This enormous number not only represents children playing a sport but it also represents something that each of those kids have in common: they each have a coach. There are three key things involved in every sport: the players, the competition, and the coaches. Each of these parts of the sport are important and necessary. Sports are not only aRead MoreDoes Sports Benefit Students? What Are The Disadvantages?899 Words   |  4 Pages How do sports benefit students?What are the disadvantages?what are the affects and effects of a student athlete? Sports can be beneficial in many ways.Higher grade expectations and attainment(source 1A) greater connections with school that is greater attachment and support from adults(source 1b),greater personal confidence and self esteem,more academically oriented friends,(source 1c),more restraint avoiding risky behavior(source 1d There are numerous to being a student athlete whileRead MoreAthletes Being Good Role Models1403 Words   |  6 PagesEnglish 1301 4-16-2013 Role Models In professional sports today, there are thousands of professional athletes. Some have more fame than others and have varying levels of influence on young children throughout the world. It is important for all athletes to realize that they are role models. Also to reflect a positive character to the youth around the world. Athletes tend to do things in a selfish manner, not realizing that they have thousands of kids following their every move. According to Solberg

Living in Fear of Ourselves Free Essays

Since the beginning of time fear has made men do things he is not proud of. This is no different in the book Lord of the Flies. The children on the island, particularly Jack’s tribe, have made many poor choices out of fear. We will write a custom essay sample on Living in Fear of Ourselves or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is similar to how fear affects the outcome of certain choices that are made in society today. In Lord of the Flies it clearly shows how fear led to the death of Simon, the death of Piggy, and how fear can lead to savagery and chaos whether on a deserted island or in every day life. For example, fear on the island was what caused the death of Simon. The boys on the island were full of fear of â€Å"The Beast† (Golding 153), which they thought was a parachutist, but is nothing more than their imagination. Due to their fear, they mistook Simon for the beast and ended up throwing their spears at him in the dark, causing his death. Simon showed courage when he went to look for the beast. The boys were getting wild and rowdy doing their rain dance to get rid of the rain because they were afraid of the thunder and lightning. Instead of exploring the island and finding out what they were afraid of , Ralph and Jack were busy trying to decide who would be the leader of the island. Fear of the beast got the boys scared that he beast was going to come down and kill them, Simon thought other wise. On the island fear of each other caused another death. Fear caused division amongst the boys which led to another death on the island. Ralph, Piggy, and Sam and Eric were going to get Piggy’s specs back. Piggy expressed his concern Rivera 2 about going because he was afraid of Jack. He had reason to be afraid of Jack because he was bigger, stronger and had intimidated him in the past, for instance, he would often tell Piggy to â€Å"Shut Up! (Golding 37). Jack was afraid that Ralph would be the leader instead of him. When Ralph and his crew showed up at Castle Rock they noticed that Jack’s tribe had their faces painted black like savages. Jack ordered Roger to get the boulder trap to get rid of Ralph and his crew. Piggy and Ralph put their fear aside and went up to tell Jack that the glasses were Piggy’s. Meanwhile, Roger, out of fear that Jack wou ld hurt him if he didn’t obey his orders, let the boulder trap go. The boulder hits Piggy and he falls off the cliff and dies. Jack covers up his fear by saying that he had planned it all along. As you can see, fear often leads people to make wrong choices, and unfortunately they are left with the consequences of their actions, or the lack of their actions depending on how they let fear manipulate them. The saying its better to be safe then sorry is a great way to sum up how people let fear control them. Being fearful is not always a bad thing, but when you let it completely take over how you react to every situation it becomes a bad thing. For example, if your friends are doing something you know is wrong but you’re scared they wont like you if you don’t do it, and you go ahead and do it any way, that is being a coward. People who run from the police because they are scared to go to jail, is a bad decision many people often make out of fear. People in the world often let other people’s fear control them. When at an amusement park, deciding not to go on a ride because a friend is scared, would change the outcome of the trip from having a good time to being bored. Often in politics people all vote the same way because someone else is telling them to and they are fearful of what people will think of them if they vote against crowd. There are many things people fear, the unknown, finances, love, happiness, death, just to name a few. Knowing when to let go of some of the fear is the important part. Being confident in life Rivera 3 and sticking up for what one believes in helps people become confident and not afraid all the time. Learning the difference between being cautious and being afraid is what will people in society must learn to not live in fear of living. In Lord of the Flies there are two perfect examples of how fear controlled the minds of the kids which eventually led to the deaths of Simon and Piggy. Fear in the world can cause things to go wrong, because it makes people hate each other and be prejudice. A lot of bad decisions are made out of fear that hurt others. Learning to live without fear is something that people should try to learn to do. In Lord of the Flies, the island would have been a more secure place, if the kids would have been more secure with themselves, and that is the same for the world we live in today. How to cite Living in Fear of Ourselves, Papers

Oedipus the king Essay Example For Students

Oedipus the king Essay Sophocles play Oedipus the King (also commonly known as Oedipus Rex and Oedipus Tyrannus) is a very famous tragedy about Oedipus, a mythical King. Sophocles, first produced the play in Athens around 430 B.C., we can tell this because of the reference to the Theban plague at the plays opening, at the Great Dionysia, a religious and cultural festival held in honor of the god Dionysus, held in early spring, where it won second prize. It would have been performed according to the Greek rules of performance known as the Aristotelian unities of time, place and action. The stonecutter, devised by a co-operative of year eleven students in 2008 in contrast to Oedipus the King does not obey the Aristotelian unities as it jumps between past and present, has a variety of settings and will not be performed in the time it is set. The stonecutter comprising of a variety of playwrights including improvised scenes and sections is a play within a play with the warning to be careful for what you wish for. In this essay I shall discuss further similarities and differences of the theatrical treatments of the two mythical stories. Sophocles play deals with a number of themes; Fate and destiny being pre-decided being a main one; Fate is a theme often occurring in Greek plays but tragedies in particular. From the beginning of Oedipus the King, we know that Oedipus is destined to kill his father and mate with his mother. Another main theme of Oedipus the king is that bravery and skill (in fighting) is rewarded but mistakes/bad choices/crime will be punished even if done unintentionally. The stonecutter compares as it also has an underling theme which crops up at various times throughout the play, however they differ in the sense that the themes are different. The culture behind the two plays differ significantly. The audience of Oedipus the King would have consisted of men only as woman were not aloud to attend the theatre as they were not thought to be capable of rational thinking. Also male actors only performed in plays and woman characters were played often by the younger male actors. It was at that time considered civil duty that men attended the theatre for moral education commonly about incest and male and female relationships and loans were even granted to people who could not afford to go. In contrast to this in modern time both men, woman and children attend theatre and most commonly for leisure and entertainment and with out the thought that they are going for moral education. The stonecutter is more about telling a story, however there is a moral of the story which is referred to many times throughout the play. In the stonecutter we intended to target a modern audience in a number of ways; Firstly, by incorporating humor into our performance because as discussed previously the modern audience attend theatre for leisure and entertainment and secondly, by using modern technology, for example lighting and sound to our advantage. The stages in which the plays would have and will be performed on differ significantly. The theatre in which Oedipus the king would have been performed on would have been a huge fan-shaped open air auditorium, in what is now called an amphitheatre layout. Ampitheatres were open air, so lighting was not a problem and massive enabling thousands of people to see a play at the same time and with out the trouble of hearing the actors. This is due to the way they were built, which cleverly meant that no matter how high up you were seated, you could always hear what the actors were saying as the stone in which they were built with suppressed low frequencies of voices, thus minimizing background audience noise and reflected the high-frequencies of the actors and chorus voices back towards the audience. Whereas, the stonecutter will be performed in a small drama studio with a significantly smaller audience of around thirty people sitting directly in front of an unmarked performing area and the use of lighting will be required. .uc005f451450c940066bd4f12d569bb73 , .uc005f451450c940066bd4f12d569bb73 .postImageUrl , .uc005f451450c940066bd4f12d569bb73 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc005f451450c940066bd4f12d569bb73 , .uc005f451450c940066bd4f12d569bb73:hover , .uc005f451450c940066bd4f12d569bb73:visited , .uc005f451450c940066bd4f12d569bb73:active { border:0!important; } .uc005f451450c940066bd4f12d569bb73 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc005f451450c940066bd4f12d569bb73 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc005f451450c940066bd4f12d569bb73:active , .uc005f451450c940066bd4f12d569bb73:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc005f451450c940066bd4f12d569bb73 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc005f451450c940066bd4f12d569bb73 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc005f451450c940066bd4f12d569bb73 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc005f451450c940066bd4f12d569bb73 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc005f451450c940066bd4f12d569bb73:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc005f451450c940066bd4f12d569bb73 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc005f451450c940066bd4f12d569bb73 .uc005f451450c940066bd4f12d569bb73-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc005f451450c940066bd4f12d569bb73:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Oedipus Essay ThesisOedipus the King, acted in accordance to Greek theatre would have included two types of acting roles; three actors (named parts) who were trained and professional and were the only people with speaking parts, and then the chorus which would have had fifteen members who were untrained local men, often from surrounding towns. The stonecutter, unlike Greek theatre has five actors playing named parts and members that form the chorus. The chorus consisting of only five people is a lot smaller than the chorus that would have appeared in Oedipus the King. A lot of Oedipus the kings choral speeches were sung and danced with the accompaniment of musical instrume nts like the double flute, drums and the tambourine. They generally sung in unison and the lines of the speeches were shared around all the members of the chorus. The stonecutter compares in the sense that the lines of its speeches are shared around all members of the chorus however contrasts as none of its choral speeches are sung or danced. The chorus entrance in Oedipus the King would mark the beginning of the play and their exit would mark the end of the play, the stonecutter does not start of with the chorus entering it starts of with the actors entering one by one subtly portraying their characters which is different to the beginning of Oedipus the king however the stonecutters end like Oedipus the kings ending is marked by the exit of the chorus after a final choral speech. In conclusion, after reviewing all comparisons and differences between the theatrical treatments of the two plays with there evidently being more differences between them than comparisons I have come to the conclusion the theatrical treatments of the two mythical stories are very different due to many factors; The acting and actors, staging and the cultures behind them.